Accelerating improvement together

The GO 4 Schools Hub Network was established in 2014, which was developed to share the expertise of our more experienced users to support other schools to develop their use of GO 4 Schools. We have a number of exemplar schools across England and Wales within our Hub School network.

What can Hub Schools offer?

Our Hub School network provides pro-active support for schools across their region, delivered by an on-site super-user of GO 4 Schools. They are regularly updated on new features as they become live and offer superb training facilities. Enhanced CPD opportunities build and strengthen the knowledge for other professions that share a passion for raising achievement within their school.

How Hub Schools can support new users

If you are considering using GO 4 Schools to enhance your effective use of data, the Hub School in your area can showcase all aspects of our system, which includes: Online Markbooks, Attendance, Behaviour, Parental Engagement, Homework, Progress Reports and Seating Plans. Through an informative demonstration, Hub Schools are able to show the value of real-time school statistics and how they use this to respond with immediate and effective interventions across key groups is a powerful experience.

Continuing Professional Development

Hub Schools plan a calendar of events throughout the academic year, including demonstrations of GO 4 Schools and events to demonstrate their best practice in the use of data. Whether you need to renew your awareness of specific functionality, Hub School training events are high quality, well received and offer excellent value for money.

Current Hub School Events

Event name Key aspects covered Who should attend Location and Date(s) Cost Included in training offer
Deira International School, Dubai
GO 4 Schools Presentation Event
To introduce GO 4 Schools to primary and secondary schools.
View flyer View flyer
Head teachers, Data Managers, SLT members Deira International School, Dubai
Please Contact us for more information

Download the Deira International School, Dubai CPD booking form

Our Current Hub Schools

Deira International School, Dubai

"Since implementing GO 4 Schools in November 2020 it has revolutionised the way all stakeholders at our school use data. It provides us with a comprehensive platform for all the information we use on a day-to-day basis in real time. GO 4 Schools has enabled us to have more transparency within the school but also engages parents and students who have access to live information on their assessments, attendance, and behaviour. Students can see feedback in real time enabling them to be more independent and reflective towards their learning. Using the GO 4 Schools platform has already made a positive impact on our students’ attainment, progress, and behaviour."

"The full set of GO 4 Schools modules are fully embedded within our school and are used effectively to track pupil attainment, attendance and behaviour. GO 4 Schools is utilised fully at our school and we can provide support for the Secondary and Primary phase both locally and internationally."

Bluecoat Academy, Nottinghamshire

"At Bluecoat Academy we are outward facing and are happy to share our expertise and knowledge with others, recognising this as an opportunity to network and gain reciprocal information from other schools and academies. We have worked closely with GO 4 Schools since first buying the product and continue to collaborate and share development ideas and proposals which work for teaching staff and senior leaders first and foremost, but which also adapt to respond to new initiatives in education, e.g. life without levels and changes in accountability measures. Bluecoat Academy welcomes colleagues from across the East Midlands and beyond."

St Hild's Church of England School, Hartlepool

"We are a smaller than average secondary school in the North of England and changed to GO 4 Schools in January 2016. As a school we required a system to allow us to become more transparent with the information we collected on pupil progress, have a means to share the information easily with Parents/Carers, Pupils and the Governing Body, and to help all pupils make rapid progress in their education. GO 4 Schools is the product that is helping us achieve this. GO 4 Schools is intuitive to how schools operate by constantly improving the facilities they offer. This is supporting the development of our school including adapting to the new expectations in examinations and assessments at all levels.

We currently use GO 4 Schools as the 'one stop' information tool for all staff. We track the progress of all pupils through GO 4 Schools, assessment information is available for all to see in real time, allowing good practice to be easily shared and monitored enhancing pupil progress. We also use GO 4 Schools effectively for monitoring attendance and recording the behaviour of our pupils both positive and negative. All Subject Leaders have found progress information more accessible while Year Leaders have utilised GO 4 Schools to have all of the information for our children at their fingertips. SEND referrals have been streamlined using these systems.

Parents and Carers are able to see up to date information for their child which has helped to enhance home school communication. Feedback from Parents and Carers has praised the improved quality of written reports.

Although we are relatively new to GO 4 Schools, we feel it is utilised effectively and we would be happy to share our experiences of the impact it has had in our school. "

Paul Wyness, Deputy Head teacher
How to find us

If you are an existing GO 4 Schools user and have the experience and skills set in your team to offer a service to other schools supporting and promoting GO 4 Schools Hub Ethos and gaining financial incentives in return please send queries to our Educational Services Lead: .